Gimp plugin for BPG

The BPG image format, developed by Fabrice Bellard, is a good alternative to the ubiquitous but very old JPEG. Using the HEVC encoding/compression algorithm, it can store images with a better quality per byte than jpeg, webp or png.  It also allows loseless compression, embedded metadata, and alpha channel. As a big bonus, HEVC enc/dec should be supported by video hardware in the near future, so the most time consuming processes will be vastly accelerated.

This is a (linux) Gimp plugin that uses his libbpg library to import BPG files.  The encoding part (data to BPG) is not yet included in the library,  so there is no export function in this plugin.

If you want to see what BPG is capable of,  look here for a comparison!! Also, take a look at this page; Bellard even wrote a javascript that decodes BPG files on the fly and renders them inside <canvas> elements !


Esta entrada fue publicada en C, english, GNU / linux. Guarda el enlace permanente.

3 respuestas a Gimp plugin for BPG

  1. boteium dijo:

    This is nice.
    It works perfectly.

  2. Pingback: benicourt

  3. Guigui dijo:


    Please, can you make this Gimp plugin for Windows?

    Than you.

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