Archivo de la categoría: GNU / linux
Quick fix for netbeans update fail
If you are stuck with an old Java distribution (< 8) , you might see Netbeans fail when it tries to connect to its repositories with this message: Unable to connect to the Certified Plugins because of Received fatal alert: … Sigue leyendo
Compile / install 4.3.2 nodejs
I had some trouble recently trying to compile nodejs under Slackware 14 and I would like to share some notes about it, just in case someone gets stuck in the same situation. First of all: there is a precompiled package … Sigue leyendo
Gimp plugin for BPG
The BPG image format, developed by Fabrice Bellard, is a good alternative to the ubiquitous but very old JPEG. Using the HEVC encoding/compression algorithm, it can store images with a better quality per byte than jpeg, webp or png. It … Sigue leyendo
extracting 3d meshes from ANZ files
This is a small C app that will extract static mesh 3d objects from an ANZ file to an OBJ. Wavefront OBJ is a well known file format, supported by all major 3d editors, but it lacks bone and animation … Sigue leyendo
extraer modelos 3d de un ANZ
Este es un pequeño programa en C para extraer modelos 3d de archivos ANZ. Como sólo necesitaba la geometría, el formato de salida elegido es Wavefront OBJ, que está muy extendido entre los editores 3d. Por eso, este conversor no … Sigue leyendo
Renaming files with special characters
There are situations in wich a file containing special characters can be created in your file system, making it hard to remove or rename them as the file manager and even the console won’t escape the name correctly. If the … Sigue leyendo
Renombrar archivos con caracteres especiales
Cuando se crea un archivo con determinados caracteres especiales, puede llegar a ser dificil eliminarlo o renombrarlo. Si el archivo se ha copiado desde internet o desde un dispositivo externo y el conjunto de caracteres establecido en el sistema es … Sigue leyendo